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How To Workout Safely During a Heat Wave

1:54 PM

How To Workout Safely During a Heatwave
How To Workout Safely During a Heatwave
We have been experiencing a serious heat wave lately. Even though it's hot and humid outside, this shouldn't stop us from working out. However when the temperature are rising we should take precautions so we won't fall ill due to the heat. I have three tips that Anne Bonney, Senior Director of Group Exercise for Town Sports International gave me, regarding how to workout safely during a heatwave. Also, remember it's always fashionable to be safe.

1. Water, Water, Water!

The key to a safe summer workout is to always stay hydrated! Since the heat will increase our body temperatures and any physical activity will cause us to sweat, it’s important to drink water before, during AND after exercising to replenish the water your body lost in the workout.

In addition to water, re-hydrate and replace electrolytes with juicy snacks, like a piece of fruit or veggie sticks. Any of the dry snacks like crackers or energy bars will require your body to add water.

2. Transition Your Workout Indoors

When the temps are skyrocketing, consider bringing your workout indoors. Since the extreme heat takes a toll on the body and cooling system, your body will thank you for a workout in the air conditioning of a gym, especially if you’re feeling fatigue, light headedness,  or dizziness.

Scan the group exercise schedule and pick one that will challenge you. If you like to run outside, choose a cardio interval class that will get your heart pumping.

3. If Outside, Exercise Responsibly

If you still want to get your workout in outside, exercise responsibly. Avoid the hottest parts of the day by working out in the cooler, early morning or after sunset. Wear lightweight clothing as heavy, dark clothing will absorb even more heat and bring your body temp up. And overall, take it easier than normal. Don’t push yourself too hard or you will wear yourself down in extreme heat – adapt to the weather!

pics credit: FashionGoneRogue

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